Delay & Reverb Time Calculator

In audio production, delay and reverb are crucial for adding depth and ambiance to sound. Delay creates echoes at set intervals, while reverb simulates the natural reflection of sound in spaces. Both effects are essential for a dynamic and immersive auditory experience.

The Delay and Reverb Time Calculator is a vital tool for audio professionals and enthusiasts. It helps to precisely adjust delay and reverb settings, ensuring they harmonize with the music’s tempo and rhythm. This tool streamlines the process of calculating delay and reverb times, making it easier to achieve a cohesive and impactful sound.

This guide introduces the Delay and Reverb Time Calculator, explaining its functionality, parameters, and its potential to elevate your audio projects. Whether you’re a seasoned engineer or just starting, this tool is designed to bring precision and efficiency to your workflow. Join us to discover how to harness the full capabilities of the Delay and Reverb Time Calculator for your sound design needs.

Change The BPM Below To Update The Table

Reverb Pre-Delay and Decay Times

Reverb Size Pre-Delay Decay Time Total Reverb Time
Hall (2 Bars) 62.5 ms 3937.5 ms 4000 ms
Large Room (1 Bar) 31.25 ms 1968.75 ms 2000 ms
Small Room (1/2 Note) 15.63 ms 984.38 ms 1000 ms
Tight Ambience (1/4 Note) 3.91 ms 496.09 ms 500 ms

Delay Length

Note Value Notes Dotted Triplets
1/1     (1 Bar) 2000 ms / 0.5 Hz 3000 ms / 0.33 Hz 1333.33 ms / 0.75 Hz
1/2     (2 Beats) 1000 ms / 1 Hz 1500 ms / 0.67 Hz 666.67 ms / 1.5 Hz
1/4     (1 Beat) 500 ms / 2 Hz 750 ms / 1.33 Hz 333.33 ms / 3 Hz
1/8 250 ms / 4.00 Hz 375 ms / 2.67 Hz 166.67 ms / 6.00 Hz
1/16 125 ms / 8.00 Hz 187.5 ms / 5.33 Hz 83.33 ms / 12.00 Hz
1/32 62.5 ms / 16.00 Hz 93.75 ms / 10.67 Hz 41.67 ms / 24.00 Hz
1/64 31.25 ms / 32.00 Hz 46.88 ms / 21.33 Hz 20.83 ms / 48.01 Hz
1/128 15.63 ms / 63.98 Hz 23.44 ms / 42.66 Hz 10.42 ms / 95.97 Hz
1/256 7.81 ms / 128.04 Hz 11.72 ms / 85.32 Hz 5.21 ms / 191.94 Hz
1/512 3.91 ms / 255.75 Hz 5.86 ms / 170.65 Hz 2.6 ms / 384.62 Hz

Uncover the Optimal Reverb and Delay Settings with Ease!

Harmonize Your Reverb with the Track’s Tempo: Tailor your reverb settings precisely to the tempo of your music for a seamless and rhythmic audio experience. Professional sound engineers frequently adjust reverb settings based on the song’s BPM to ensure that the reverb complements the track’s natural pulse. Utilize our intuitive Pre-Delay and Reverb Time Calculator to effortlessly determine the ideal pre-delay and decay time settings for your track. For BPM detection, our BPM Calculator is readily available.

Achieve Authentic and Resonant Reverb: The pre-delay setting is crucial in creating a natural-sounding reverb, as it introduces a short delay before the onset of reverb, mimicking natural acoustic spaces. The calculator provides standard values for pre-delay and decay time, and slight modifications to these settings can impart a unique rhythmic feel to your track.

Versatile and Precise Reverb Calculations: If the standard settings do not align with your needs, the calculator allows for flexibility, enabling you to experiment with a variety of values that maintain musical coherence. Understanding the total reverb time, or RT60 — the time it takes for the reverb to diminish by 60 dB — is key in achieving the desired auditory effect.

Depth and Dimension with Multiple Reverbs: Enhance your mix’s depth by applying diverse reverb settings to different instruments, creating a layered and dimensional sound. Be mindful of potential mix clutter, especially when multiple instruments share the same acoustic space. A consistent room reverb can unify these elements, creating a harmonious auditory space.

Optimize Your Delay Settings: Delay effects add movement and depth to your tracks, and synchronizing them with your song’s tempo ensures a subtle yet effective enhancement. The Delay and Reverb Time Calculator aids in finding the right settings, even for devices that do not automatically sync to your BPM. For pronounced delay effects and added movement, explore different delay times, including triplets and dotted notes.

Sync Your LFO for Rhythmic Consistency: Low-frequency oscillators (LFOs) are invaluable for modulating synthesizers and other musical equipment, creating effects such as vibrato or tremolo. The calculator also provides Hertz values for various note values, enabling precise LFO synchronization with your track’s rhythm.

Maximize the Potential of the Pre-Delay & Reverb Calculator: This tool is invaluable for subtly enhancing individual instruments, integrating them into your track’s rhythm, and adding depth and interest. However, always trust your auditory instincts and make adjustments as needed. The calculator’s suggestions are a starting point; the final judgment should be based on what sounds best for your specific track.

If you find the Pre-Delay and Reverb Time Calculator helpful, share it with your fellow musicians and explore together the myriad ways to creatively utilize delay times in your musical projects. Enjoy crafting your unique sound and elevating your audio production skills!